5 Best SSH Clients for Windows
This are the 5 Best SSH Clients for Windows. A SSH client is a program that uses Secure Shell to connect to remote systems like Linux, it is mostly used for remote login and execution of commands.
There are plenty of SSH clients available for Windows OS today, starting from command line OpenSSH client, to more evolved ones with multi session and plugin expandable capabilities like the MobaXterm.
I enlist the top 5 SSH clients for windows and their top key features. I’m pretty sure that you would find one Client that fits best for you. Let’s being.
1. MobaXterm
Official Download Site: https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/
This is the one that I replaced Putty with. It’s by far, the most complete and versatile SSH client for Windows.
It has a free fully functional version and also the paid one.
Key Features:
- MobaXterm tabbed terminal.
- Sessions management, SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP or Serial sessions.
- Extend capabilities with Plugins and add-ons.
- SSH gateway, SSH tunnels (port forwarding).
- Multi-execution, execute the same commands on many servers at the same time.
2. Putty
Official Download Site: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
This was my client of chose for a long time, it’s simple and reliable, it works like a charm.
Putty is an Open Source SSH client, it’s free to use for everyone, it’s almost perfect, but it lacks of multi tab capabilities on it’s own. There are many fork versions that enhance it’s functions.
Key Features:
- Putty is a lightweight and simple.
- Supports SSH client, Telnet, Rlogin, Serial.
- It can save sessions, but not credentials.
- Fast and Easy to use, just put the remote IP and click Open.
3. Solar Putty
Official site: https://www.solarwinds.com/es/free-tools/solar-putty
One of the many Putty forks, this is from SolarWinds, it’s free to download but you will have to fill up a form before to get the download link.
Key Features:
- Manage multiple sessions from one console with a tabbed interface.
- Save credentials or private keys to any session for easy login.
- Automate all scripts you’re using when connection is established.
- Find your saved session easily thanks to Windows Search integration.
- No installation is needed.
4. SecureCRT
Official Download Site: https://www.vandyke.com/
Secure CRT has been one of the first SSH clients that I recall using to connect to my remote servers, the big down size is that it does not have a free version, but it’s free to try for 30 days.
Key features:
- It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
- Configure, manage, and organize all your sessions with full control over scroll back, key mappings, colors, fonts, and more.
- Multi-session launch, tabbed sessions, tab groups, tiled sessions, cloned sessions, a button bar and Command Manager for repeated commands, and mapped keys.
5. mRemoteNG
Official download Site: https://mremoteng.org/download
You may want to consider mRemoteNG, it is a fork of mRemote. An open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager for Windows.
mRemoteNG supports the following protocols:
- RDP (Windows Remote Desktop), VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
- SSH (Secure Shell), Telnet, HTTP/HTTPS, rlogin, Raw Socket Connections
Key Features:
- Free Open Source project, still getting updates.
- “Quick Connect” feature to quickly open a connection without creating an entry.
- Organizing connections into panels and tabs
- Easy to organize and maintain list of connections
As I mentioned before, my ssh client of choice is MobaXterm, by far is one of the best available on the market today, if you have not tried it yet, I recommend you to do it now.
I’ll be glad to evaluate any other client that you consider that should be on this listing. You can send it trough the comments.
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Tags: MobaXterm, OpensSSH, SSH Clients, Windows Putty